Dricodes Apps - Privacy Policy

Dricodes Apps does not collect any information from users.

Our apps don't ask for special permissions, so our apps don't have access to your device data. Dricodes Apps don't collect your name, Dricodes Apps don't collect your e-mail, Dricodes Apps don't collect any other personal data. Dricodes Apps does not have data servers.

The Save/Load/Archive sections save texts only on your device. If you delete the app, the content saved in these sections will be lost. The data in these sections is not uploaded to the internet.

The Free version of our apps is supported by Ads, provided by Google Mobile Ads SDK.

Google Mobile Ads SDK collects and shares the following data types automatically for advertising, analytics and fraud prevention purposes: All data collected by Google Mobile Ads SDK is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
You can review the Google Mobile Ads SDK privacy policy by going to google.com/policies/privacy/partners